Thanks to our Fund
POEMS FROM THE LARGE FAMILIES TO FUND AND ITS PARTNERS - Fond - Wimm-Bill-Dann Food - Mosmart - Detsky Mir - ELC - Early Development Center - To sponsors and Kwa-Kwa park - Poems for Lush Russia Ltd - Poems for Detsky Mir - Poems for Mir Detstva - Poems for Izmaylovsky Park of culture and leisure - POEMS FOR MOSCOW CONSUMER MARKET DEPARTMENT - Poems for Sokolniki park of culture and leisure - To circus "AQUAMARIN" - To "Moregrand" (Merry pyramidions) - Poems to the President of the Fund - POEMS TO SELA
Our congratulations
Mosmart - you are the luck for our Fund. Mosmart - the salvation from the crisis. Mosmart - food for the poor. Mosmart - the holiday for large families. Mosmart - we consider you as our friend Mosmart - we circle around you. We as calfs around a cow... So that kids have been satisfied and healthy. Mosmart - we respect you Do not have any problems with your business. You are For many breadwinner for the large families. Let your business will prosper for age.