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About Us:

Moscow regional public fund for support of large, single-parent and foster families “CHILDREN ARE OUR FUTURE” was founded in October 2007 and officially was registered in November 2007.
This Fund is a public association established for the purpose of rendering of assistance in solving of social, cultural, educational problems of large, single-parent and foster families as well as the other socially important problems.
To achieve the above stated aim the Fund in accordance with the current legislation of  the Russian Federation  gives effect to the following kinds of activity:
 conducts the arrangements on foundation of organizing, communicative and informational infrastructure for the forming of community of large, single-parent and foster families;
 organizes cooperation between large, single-parent and foster families in need on the one hand and persons and organizations who are eagers to provide these families with the material or any other support on the other hand;
 organizes working groups on solving of topical issues of large, single-parent and foster families and their cooperation with social structures and authorities as well as business structures in the working-out of specific projects;
 supports and carries out the arrangements aimed at protecting  of large, single-parent and foster families  as well as motherhood and childhood. Also it holds lectures, exhibitions and  seminars;
 presents and defends its rights, legitimate interests  of the participants of Fund and the members of their families in the formations, enterprises, organizations of all ownerships as well as protects ethic, moral abutments of the society and defends large, single-parent and foster families;
 conducts the executing of sociological researches, studies the views of large, single-parent and foster families, carries out the collection and processing of collective proposals.
 creates the purpose-oriented programmes of targeted support of the families with children and their realization through the state and business structures;
 carries out the charitable activities;
 conducts publishing in electronic, print media and in any other possible informational networks;
 organizes an effective interaction with the international public organizations, funds, large families of foreign countries, participates in international arrangements on the exchange of experiences in the field of defense of the interests of large, single-parent and foster families as well as motherhood and childhood.
The aim of the activity of the Fund is the revival of the institution of large family in Russia, solving of the problems faced by large, single-parent and foster families as well as issues connected with the reduction of social orphanhood in the society, popularization of large families in Russian society, creation of the prerequisites for forming of the effective demographic and social policy of our state.
In November 2007, the Fund actively participated in organizing and conducting city holiday in Moscow House of Public Organizations «MOSCOW - MNOGODETNAYA!» devoted to the celebration in Russia  of “Mothers' Day”, which was attended by 175 Moscow mothers of the 62 districts of the capital. Within the framework of this holiday charity events were held in favor of large families of Moscow.

In January, 2008 the organization held the charity event for the children-orphan and the children form large families of Moscow in the framework of city arrangement devoted to the celebration of the New Year, 2008 and the Christmas held in the Armory of Moscow Kremlin.

14 October, 2008 - was held city charity event for the teachers having large families and foster children, as well as - first from large and foster families in the framework of city festive event on the celebration in Russia «International Day of Teachers».
20 December, 2008 – was held charity New Year's 2008 performance together with Moscow culture department under the motto: “All the family celebrated New Year – Park “Phili” was waiting for guests”.

From 2008 the Fund is the member of urban asset of non-commercial organizations. The Fund actively participates in the all meetings of “round table”, thematic programmes, exhibitions and the other arrangements held in Moscow House of Public Organizations. It also actively takes part in in the public life of Moscow such as different social events, conferences. It organizes actions and arrangements under support of body authorities and business community. So in April, 2008 the representatives of our organization took part in the city exhibition “Family values” held in the Central exhibition hall “Manej” with the support of Moscow government.

The Fund realizes socially important programmes for the support of large, single-parent and foster families, including charity project "Help children!" within the framework of which goods and services of different companies and organizations on free of charge basis are transferred to  large, single-parent and foster families.

On summer 2008 our Fund organized and held grandiose and unique holidays, namely:

06 June, 2008 — was held charity urban event on the celebration in Russia - the «International Day of Families» and the «International Children's Protection Day on the territory of the Gorkyj Park.

16 August, 2008 — was held a charity urban event for children having name day and first formers from the large, single-parent and foster families devoted to the celebration in Moscow «Knowledge Day» in the capital program «Family Year -2008», on the territory of the Park of Culture and Leisure «Sokolniki» and the Cultural and Exhibition Center «Sokolniki».

5 January, 2009 – was held charity New Year's 2008 performance together with  Moscow culture department and the State Unitary Enterprise “Moscow city garden “Ermitaj” under the motto: “New adventures of Santa Claus, Snow girl and their friends”.

In February, 2009 the city charitable actions “The best friends of a family – books” and “With the care of children” were held together with our constant social partners “Publishing and bookselling Complex “Labirint” Ltd and Joint Stock Company “Detsky Mir – Center” during which Moscow families from more than 15 districts of Moscow between 07. 02. 09. - 15. 02. 09 received presents for their children (near 500 families).

The Fund is actively communicating on different topics such as submitting the legal, psychological and other assistance with the parents wishing to take the children- orphans in their families.

The Fund provides all possible assistance to the public organization “Otkazniki”. Also the Fund is planning to realize the project on setting up the public family clubs “CHILDREN ARE OUR FUTURE” directed on the support and strengthening of the family institution, involving of volunteer corps of students of Moscow's social institutes for the realization of socially important programmes held by Fund on the territory of Moscow.

Now the Fund is at the process of active formation of Moscow district offices of Moscow regional public fund for support of large, single-parent and foster families “CHILDREN ARE OUR FUTURE” across Moscow.

Nowadays the quantity of Moscow families with children amounts to 2500 (more than 10 000 men).

The Fund is also planning to carry out an active socially important work in Moscow, holding scale arrangements which are no doubt will have serious resonance and will allow to make demographic breakthrough in our country,  radically will change the situation with childbirth, cardinally will reduce the quantity of children-orphans brought up in specialized formations, will make the wish to have many children as norm of social behavior.



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